Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Have you read any good books lately?  Chispa Update

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Today is #givingTuesday.  Please check out some of the schools who have applied for emergency COVID and hurricane relief funding at www.chispaproject.org/sos

SPOTLIGHT SCHOOL: Republica de Francia Elementary

Chispa was halfway through the school day celebrating the inauguration of the new library when they got word that schools nationwide were being shutdown.  Only half the students got to visit the newest Chispa library.  Now, Chispa is back in this inner city school to help with take-home materials.  Along with a new printer, paper, ink, pencils, and disinfectant, your gift will give each of the 912 students an activity book!

If you want to send a check, make it out Chispa Project and send to Norris Burkes 10566 Combie Rd Suite 6643 Auburn CA 95602

Thanks so much for your consideration.

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