Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Coming to a town near you?

Planning Our US Return
and Speaking Schedule

Dear Readers,
We are returning to the US for the next six months, so I'm writing to share some news with you.
First, I am planning a speaking schedule in the Midwest during the first two weeks of June. I will be in Cincinnati on June 8 and then in Springfield on Sunday night, June 10 to speak at University Heights Baptist Church.
If this puts me close enough to add your town to my schedule, please reply to this email. Venues might include church retreats, marriage seminars, worship services, university or private high school chapels, in-service for healthcare and hospice, and veterans' events. Find a list of my topics on my website, thechaplain.net 
Second, I want to thank all of you who helped my daughter's project to begin children's libraries in Honduras. See what your dollars accomplished by clicking here on our blog burkesbums.com or go directly to her site at Chispaproject.org.
Finally, look below for links to my last four columns. Feel free to forward them or reprint them in your newsletters.
Blessings to you and your family,
In His Service,
Chaplain Norris
That's Just How These People Are
By Norris Burkes Mar 18, 2018  
"Why can't THESE people drive?" asked a frustrated American worker taking me through rush-hour traffic in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, last week. His question surprised me for two reasons. First, his driving wasn't much better. He was using his American truck to block intersections, cut people off, and run red [...] [Read More]
Jesus saves, but education helps too
By Norris Burkes Mar 11, 2018
"Is your daughter's nonprofit Christ-centered?" asks an American missionary here in the Honduran capitol of Tegucigalpa. The man is among hundreds of missionaries headquartered within the comforting amenities of a big city. They represent various faiths, but most, like the one asking the question, are Evangelical. Most do [...] [Read More]
Many Reasons to Remember Billy Graham
By Norris Burkes Mar 04, 2018
"You sound like Billy Graham," said my high school speech teacher. "Have you considered becoming a preacher?" I was stunned but not too surprised. I had listened all my young life to Billy Graham use his compelling voice to bring a simple message to my generation. His voice [...] [Read More]
No, everything doesn't happen for a purpose
By Norris Burkes Feb 25, 2018
I opened an email this week from Charleston, South Carolina, that asked, "Please help me make sense of these mass shootings. I am a devout Catholic but it's so hard to think this was 'God's purpose' for children to die this way. "Please help me understand. I'm a teacher, [...] [Read More]
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