Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daughter update


By your replies, I see that not all of you were kept up to date, so I thought I'd begin by sending you the column I wrote about my youngest daughter, Nicole.

Also, I forgot to mention that my web site has been updated and you can see all my past columns on the site. There are also new videos to watch on the site.



Chaplain Norris improves his Vocabulary

This week, after nearly losing my youngest daughter, I had some time to ponder some alternative meanings of the word: non sequitur. According to, a non sequitur is "the attempted connection of two things in a sentence that have nothing to do with each other." Translated from the Latin, not sequitur means, "does not follow" and it is where we get the word "sequence."

Specifically, her safe return from a holiday visit on the East Coast "did not follow" her arrival there. I know it may not sound like a non sequitur, but I think it does, because apparently the purchase of a round trip ticket had nothing to do with insuring the return leg of the trip.

A week before Thanksgiving, I got a call from a small town clinic telling me that my daughter had an average looking virus. "And by the way," says my daughter asks "Can you send cash for the prescriptions?" The improvement that followed the granting of the request was very much in the sequence I expected.

Two days later she walks in for a follow up visit, not completely recovered, but upright and ambulatory. Again, it is kind of a non sequitur because her decent appearance has no relation to the poor numbers that come back from the lab. The visit brings a second call informing me that she has been transferred to Medical University South Carolina in Charleston with liver and kidney failure.

Using the refund from her "non-refundable" airline ticket, my wife and I flew to South Carolina. Sometimes the purchase of an airline ticket has no relation to caring attitude, but not so at Southwest Airline. (Shout outs to "Sam," employee #87199, and her supervisor for the exceptions made to get mom and dad to the hospital.)

Twenty-four sleepless hours later, we were standing at my daughter's bedside on the tenth floor of the medical/surgical unit talking non sequitur again. The doctor said that it doesn't logically follow that a twenty-year-old girl, negative for rare diseases or narcotics, would lose the functions of her kidneys and liver.

And as of the moment I write this column, her kidneys are still completely shut down, but her liver function has returned to normal levels. The doctors have put a catheter in her neck where she is receiving dialysis. Dialysis is expected to be temporary, but doctors aren't sure. They still don't know what caused the multiple organ failure or whether it will reoccur.

I'm always telling people that they shouldn't accept medical advice from a chaplain, but this I do know: liver failure means death without a transplant. My little girl, the one we moved three thousand miles to adopt when she was 3-years-old, the one I taught to ride a bike, the one I drove to her first dance, was closer to heaven than I like to see any loved one get without me.

As this year comes to a close, it's easy for me to number the difficulties that our family has encountered. My wife lost a mother and I lost a stepfather. I've been deployed and my wife was displaced in her job. Some would say that to continue walking in faith after all that makes no sense; that it is a non sequitur. But I know in all my shortcomings and that in all my failures, God has not given up on me. Nor will he. And at the end of the day, that is the most amazing non sequitur of all!


UPDATE: Several of you emailed asking me about my youngest daughter who had been visiting her sister in South Carolina when she was stricken with inexplicable liver and kidney failure. I'm glad to report that she has been discharged from the Charleston hospital and will no longer require kidney dialysis. Doctors said the incident was likely the "perfect storm" of an infection, dehydration, and a few too many Tylenol products. Her liver has also recovered and she is now back home in Sacramento looking for employment.

Norris Burkes is a syndicated columnist, national speaker and author of No Small Miracles. He also serves as an Air National Guard chaplain and is board certified in the Association of Professional Chaplains. You can call him at (321) 549-2500, E-mail him at, visit his website at or write him at P.O. Box 247, Elk Grove, CA 95759.